Author(s): Niklaus L.; Schott M.
| ISSN: 3005-2092
This work was supported by Bundeswehr Technical Center for Protective and Special Technologies (WTD 52), Oberjettenberg 83458 Schneizlreuth.
Optical camouflage alone is no longer sufficient, due to the development of sensor-based signal and signature recognition, which can detect different wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum (visible [VIS, 380 – 780 nm], near-infrared [NIR, 780 – 2500 nm], thermal infrared [TIR, 8 – 12.5 μm] or radar [2.4 – 3.75 cm]). A modern, high-performance camouflage element should provide protection over the widest possible range of the electromagnetic spectrum and would therefore be called a multispectral camouflage system. This tunability in the VIS and NIR is possible with electrochromic (EC) materials. By applying an electric voltage or current, a colour change of the EC materials is induced, which actively controls the absorption, transmission, and reflection of surfaces and creates an adjustable camouflage pattern.